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$2.6 Million Grant to Expand Employer Engagement

September 27, 2024

The Center for Workforce Inclusion Awarded $2.6 Million Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to Expand National Employer Engagement and Elevate Older Workers in the Labor Force

Silver Spring, Md (September 27, 2024) – Gary A. Officer, President and CEO of the Center for Workforce Inclusion (Center), announced a $2.6 million grant award from the U.S. Department of Labor to expand a nationwide initiative engaging employers and improving workforce outcomes for older job seekers.

“The most recent Jobs Report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the labor force participation rate among older workers is only 38.6% and their long-term unemployment rate is 26%,” said Officer. “This suggests that older workers have not been fully engaged by our nation’s employers.”

The U.S. economy is increasingly reliant on older workers. Numbering roughly 11 million, the older workforce has nearly quadrupled in size since the mid-1980s. Their rapid growth is expected to continue with the number of older workers predicted to grow 3x faster than any other demographic, accounting for 25% of the total U.S. workforce by 2028.

The importance of older workers to our labor force is amplified by the challenges many employers face in filling job openings. The shortage is not limited to large corporations. Companies of all sizes are affected, with 75% of employers across different company sizes reporting talent shortages.

“Older workers represent a vast untapped talent pool,” continued Officer. “We appreciate the generous support of our colleagues at the U.S. Department of Labor to expand our engagement with employers so they can see the value older workers bring to organizations.”

Funding from this grant will support the Center’s nationwide efforts to formalize relationships between our nation’s employer community and its workforce systems. The Center will engage employers with their Digital Certification Program (DCP) and Career Pathways Initiative, both programs operated under the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), the only Federally funded program supporting older job seekers.

For information about partnership opportunities, please contact: Lee-Berkeley Shaw, Chief Engagement and Partnership Officer at lbshaw@workforceinclusion.org.

For media inquiries, please contact: Rita Santelli, Chief Growth and Marketing Officer at rsantelli@workforceinclusion.org.