Monitoring Performance to Better Serve Partners

Our comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation program starts by developing a detailed Annual Performance Plan that sets enrollment and placement goals for each of our community partner agencies. At least monthly, we use our Partner Project Performance Tool to review each partner’s progress to determine needed program actions to stay on track.

CWI uses a 9th-generation, web-based information and reporting system through which partners submit all program and fiscal data. Our expert Monitoring and Evaluation staff analyzes this data and uses it to both improve program performance and prepare full reports for funders and other stakeholders. Key metrics include the number of clients served, the number of paid hours participants worked, the number of those placed who are still working after 180 days, and participants’ average earnings.

The Center is focused on robust support for all of our community partners. Our cloud-based customer-relationship management system gives community partners round-the-clock access to CWI policies, directives, performance analytics, reports, forms, and data. In addition, CWI staff conduct regular site visits to partners to provide 1-on-1 technical assistance, facilitate collaboration, and ensure program and fiscal compliance.  Finally, we provide ongoing training to all partners via state and regional meetings, regular webinars and conference calls, individualized coaching, and an annual conference.