Register for the 2024 Equity Summit
We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the highly anticipated Equity Summit 2024, taking place on September 24th in the heart of Washington D.C. and online. The Equity Summit is the only national conference focused solely on the issues impacting older workers and job seekers.
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Search Results

260 results for “”

Unlocking $15 Billion in Economic Value: Skills-Based Hiring of Veterans

National Hire a Veteran Day on July 25th highlights the importance of leveraging veteran talent in the civilian workforce. A McKinsey & Company study found that improving employment outcomes for transitioning Veterans could add nearly $15 billion to the U.S. economy over a ten-year period.

Jul 25, 2024

10 Reasons Why Hiring Older Veterans Boosts Your Company’s Bottom Line

Hiring older Veterans is not just a patriotic act; it's a smart business decision that can yield substantial benefits for companies across various industries. Their diverse skills, leadership experience, and strong work ethic make them valuable assets in today's competitive business landscape.

Jul 11, 2024

Patti Madigan

Patti Madigan, Senior Resources Unit Manager and practiced public servant with decades of leadership and passion experience servicing older adult populations with benefits and programs to enhance life enrichment and financial stability.


Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom and Embracing Opportunities

In the rural South, older workers of color represent an untapped reservoir of talent and experience. By working together, rural communities can unlock their full potential and drive sustainable economic growth.

Jun 19, 2024

The Rise of Rural Entrepreneurship

Rural entrepreneurship is emerging as a vital economic engine for revitalizing small towns, especially in the South, by generating jobs, reviving downtowns, and inspiring more business activity.

Jun 6, 2024