Tapping into a Hidden Talent Pool
We open opportunities for both employers and workers. We partner with private employers on building a inclusive and innovative multigenerational workforce, with Federal agencies on recruitment and placement, and with older job seekers on upskilling programs, on-the-job training, and employment assistance
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Senior Environmental Employment Program (EPA-SEE)

The Natural Resources Conservation Service – Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program (NRCS-ACES)

The National Park Service – Experienced Services Program (NPS-ESP)

US Fish and Wildlife Service – Experienced Service Program (FWS-ESP)

The Forest Service Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (FS-ACES)

The Forest Service Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (FS-ACES) Program offers individuals 55 and older temporary paid assignments to provide technical services for conservation-related programs and authorities carried out on National Forest Service land. The FS-ACES Program supports the work of U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Forest Service. The 2008 Farm Bill (Section 1252) established the ACES Program. The authority was extended to the Forest Service in the 2014 Farm Bill (Section 8302).
Digital Certification Program
The Digital Certification Program was created by our partner organization, CWI Labs, to prepare older workers for the modern workplace. Digital skills are required in 92% of jobs. However, one of the most pervasive stereotypes is technological illiteracy among older adults. A Digital Certification provides job seekers with in-demand skills and a means to showcase those skills to potential employers.